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Έγινε ενημέρωση: 12 Μαρ 2018


Private Company



A private company (P.C) is established by one or more natural or legal persons (founders). However, the company can be established by only 1 (one) natural or legal person (Single Member). In this case the name of the single partner shall be submitted for publication in the General Electronic Commercial Register (GEMI). Natural persons must have completed 18 years of age (under Art. 127 Greek Civil Code, as amended by Art. 3 of L.1329/83). Minors are only allowed to participate in the establishment of a P.C by virtue of a court order.

A P.C is a capital company with a legal personality and it has a commercial nature even if it is not established for commercial purposes. Only the company shall be liable for its obligations with its assets with the exception of the liability primarily assumed by the partner who participates with a guarantee contribution (Art. 43 (2) & Art. 79). The capital of a P.C is determined by the partner(s) without restrictions. The capital contribution can be zero. However, it is possible for partners to participate and acquire shares by using different kinds of contributions: non-capital (Art. 78) and guarantee contributions (Art. 79) whose value cannot exceed 75% of the amount of the liability assumed by the partner towards the company's creditors.

Main features:

The company's specified period of duration (12 years, although failure to indicate its duration shall not constitute grounds for annulment of the company).

Without prejudice to Art.79, only the company shall be liable for its obligations with its assets.

The establishment of the company shall be submitted for publication either in the website or GEMI, but publication in the GG/SA-LTD Series & GEMI is not required.

The company shall be established and amended by virtue of a private document which shall be submitted for examination by the authorities of GEMI (i.e. no notarial deed is required).

Partners are liable up to the amount of the capital invested. The company itself and not the partners shall be liable with its assets. The only exception is the partner who participates with a guarantee contribution, who shall assume liability for any company debts towards third parties, if so required by those parties, up to the amount of his or her contribution.

The Cost of Establishment only!!!!!!!!! €1.500

Our company having a team of qualified lawyers Notaries tax consultants and business advisors will guide you through the procedure step by step.

After assessing your needs and present you all aspects of business models in order for you to have total situation awareness we will carry out all necessary steps and procedures for the formation and establishment of your new company.

Furthermore we aim in long term cooperation in order for your company to achieve maximum results in a very demanding business environment.

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